Yesterday, I watched a Korean show called “Birthcare Center” where a woman who is in her early 40s went through labour. They were very specific with every step that a woman has to go through, sending chills down my spine.
After watching that show, I have a newfound respect for the women who have gone through so much to bring life into this world.
Someone rightly said once, “Mother is the only medium between the spiritual world and the physical world. Only a mother is capable of bringing the soul into this world.”
But this did send me to a retrospective mode At 11 pm the night, about my life choices.
I am the one who has always crawled back into her comfort zone by just being on the precipice of the slightest discomfort. I remember taking a leave from work because of a common cold, while others have worked despite having high fevers.
To be clear, I not lauding or undermining any behaviour. It is a personal choice. But, many times I knew in my heart that I can go through it, but I just choose the take the advantage of the benefits that I feel entitled to.
I realised how important it is for human beings, especially women, to keep pushing themselves a little bit more every day even if they don’t want to. So that with every day passing by they can slowly and steadily build strength and endurance to overcome major obstacles in life.
Now, this is not a piece of medical advice, If you feel highly discomforted, you should choose to do what is right for you. Here, I am only talking about those little struggles that people go through and tend to give up easily because they have the luxury to do so.
My advice for myself would be to assess the situation and prioritise pushing through over luxury as much as I can. And, enjoy the luxury only when I need it the most and leave so much space for growth and reflection.